New news everyone! Flagler's Few and the Reaper of Saint George Street is now collected into a 333 page compendium. This new book combines the stories from the original two digest size editions of the series and will now act as the first volume of the series. It will be available for purchase in mid-February. The two digest editions will be discontinued and considered "collector's items".
Also in today's news, I just finished the script for Destination: Unknown, the spin-off novel featuring a certain ghost from the Flagler's Few series. It will be set in Savannah, Georgia in the 1930's and will involve the Freemasons, Root Doctors, local legends, and murderous monsters! As well as a few ghost duels. I'm really excited to start working on the book and hope to have it finished by October 2011! I've planned a trip to Sapelo Island, a historic Georgia location which will be featured in the book.
I'm also in talks to work on Red Stylo Media's next book, a Edgar Alan Poe/Steam punk story. I'll be penciling the 24 page comic and it's expected release date is also in October 2011. Look here for more details in the future! I'm planning a trip to Baltimore to do some research and reference photography.
A Savanah-based spinoff of Flagers Few would be sweet. I am looking forward to it, Big A!
Two quick news items for you -- the book store at the I-95 outlet mall outside of St. Augustine now has a shelf for featuring local authors. I mentioned your books to the clerk, and he seemed interested. You will have to speak to the manager of course, but they do host book signing also. I can get a name and phone number for you if you like.
Second, I am writing a short story about Shadow People, partly from the view of paranormal investigators. The just of the article will be fiction, but I intend to use real encounters as references. Do you or any of your investigating buddies have first hand experiences or theories about these critters?
Thanks for the info and the free-promo help! I'll definitely check it out.
As for Shadow People, send me an e-mail via the contact button the website and we can discuss via e-mail where I tend to check my mail on a daily basis...sorry i was late in replying here.
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